
by Argility (PTY) LTD



Merging the Physical with the Digital WorldArgility PropView4U is a powerful cloud-based platform that allows sellers, buyers andagents to receive opt-in, proximity based, communication via their mobile device;getting the right content at the right time is now a reality. Low energy Bluetooth is usedto connect smartphones to strategically placed beacons which trigger messages whensomeone approaches, enters or leaves a specific location.Transform the sales process by using digital technology to increase sales and providinga service to both sellers, buyers and agents. PropView4U is a relatively low cost solutionto enhance the sales process. Utilize PropView4U beacon technology by installing a lowcost device placed at properties for sale, including private housing, estates, newdevelopments, and potentially alternative properties in the area to immediately connectprospective buyers/renters to information. This could include digital viewing, facilities,information about the area, pricing, etc. Adding the estate agents contact detail, thecustomer will immediately be in a position to engage with an agent without delay.Additional functionality such as booking a viewing and a financial calculator adds aunique advantage and experience. Once a buyer opts into PropView4U, every beaconlinked will display targeted information on their smart devices when they are in range.Central updates of the beacons allow agents to remotely update with real-timeinformation such as show dates or changes in information.Key Features:Property specific information and visualsOnline links to websites and other properties Book a viewing with an agentBookmark a find for offline viewingContact me featureContact agent featureSocial sharingBond calculatorArgility PropView4U powered by SenseView.